Real Tantric

Booking Terms

At Real Tantric, we prioritize your complete satisfaction and aim to deliver an exceptional tantric massage experience. We kindly request you to review the following terms carefully to ensure a delightful and seamless journey into the world of tantric massage:


Once you have chosen your desired tantric massage type and selected your preferred tantric masseuse, you are just one step away from indulging in an extraordinary tantric massage experience. We kindly ask for the following information:

For In Call Bookings at our luxurious, private, and professional locations in London, we require:

a) Your first name and a phone number to maintain contact.

For Out Call Bookings, please provide the following information:

a) Your full name, including your first and last name. If you wish to receive the tantric masseuse in your hotel room, please provide the name under which you are registered with the hotel.

b) The complete address of your private residence or the hotel in where you are staying.

c) For Out Call Booking Confirmation in a hotel room, we require the room number associated with your name.

d) In the case of Out Call Tantric Massage services, please provide access arrangements and any necessary details to ensure our bespoke tantric massage therapist can reach your room or apartment directly. If there are any special requirements or instructions to access the building or hotel, please meet your tantric masseuse in the lobby or inform the reception for smooth access.

We value your privacy and personal details at Real Tantric, and you can trust us to handle your information with the utmost discretion and security, as stated in our PRIVACY POLICY.

To enjoy an exceptional tantric massage experience exclusively at Real Tantric, please agree to the following terms:


Real Tantric strictly adheres to an age policy, and individuals under 18 years old are not permitted to book our tantric massage services. Please ensure that you are an adult above 18 years of age to enjoy a tantric massage from our professional tantric massage therapists.


We strongly discourage solicitation, as it is illegal and goes against our terms of providing tantric massage services. Real Tantric does not engage in or support any form of solicitation.


Real Tantric requires full payment in advance as a strict policy for all customers, including new and regular clients. The payment should be made upon the arrival of the masseuse at your location. We do not offer specific discounts, and our rates are fixed. Once the payment has been agreed upon for our tantric massage services, no partial refunds or reductions are provided.

Foreign Currencies:

Our service charges are listed in GBP (British Pound Sterling). If, under exceptional circumstances, you wish to make payment in a currency other than GBP, whether it is full payment or partial payment, a 10% surcharge based on the booking charges will apply. This surcharge ensures that when the masseuses convert the foreign currency into GBP, they do not incur additional exchange fees.


Real Tantric reserves the right to decline requests from individuals who are excessively intoxicated with drugs or alcohol. We cannot provide our professional tantric masseuses to customers in such a state. If, in the case of an Out Call Tantric Massage service, our tantric masseuses arrive at the location and notice that you are heavily intoxicated, your booking will be considered cancelled, and the full fee will still apply. Real Tantric maintains a strict zero-tolerance policy regarding drug and alcohol usage. 

Book Now for Unforgettable Moments

Contact Us Today for an Unforgettable Experience. Reach out to us via phone call, WhatsApp, or email using the provided details above. Our dedicated masseuses are available every day from 10 am until 2 am the following day, ensuring convenience and flexibility for your schedule. Don’t hesitate to get in touch and embark on a journey of pure bliss.