Real Tantric


Real Tantric offers a truly exquisite tantric massage experience that is professional, luxurious, and genuine. Please note that while we provide sensual massages, we strictly do not offer any sexual services. Our dedicated team of trained tantric massage therapists is here to guide you through a physical exploration that focuses on relaxation and pleasure without any expectations or goals.

See some commonly asked questions below.

If you can’t find what you are looking for please get in touch with us.

What measures are taken to ensure cleanliness and hygiene at your In Call locations?

At Real Tantric, we prioritize cleanliness and hygiene to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for every client. All our In Call Central London locations are meticulously cleaned and maintained to meet our high hygiene standards. After each session, our dedicated team follows tantric scrupulous hygiene protocols, including thorough cleaning and sanitization of the premises. This includes carefully washing sheets used during your bespoke tantric massage and any towels provided. Rest assured that we take hygiene seriously and always maintain a clean and sanitized environment.

Additionally, our tantric massage therapists maintain excellent personal hygiene. They take a refreshing shower before every appointment, ensuring they are clean and prepared to provide you with an exceptional massage experience. It is important to note that if you are experiencing symptoms such as seasonal flu or a fever, we kindly request that you prioritize your health and inform us in advance. We reserve the right to cancel a booking if a client exhibits any symptoms to maintain the well-being of our clients and therapists.

We are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of cleanliness and hygiene to create a safe and comfortable environment for your tantric massage experience at Real Tantric.

Does Real Tantric offer discretion, and where are your tantric massage therapists located?

At Real Tantric, we understand the importance of discretion and respect for our client’s privacy. Our highly skilled and professional tantric massage therapists prioritize maintaining confidentiality throughout your experience. Once your session is complete, we will not contact you again, ensuring your details remain confidential.

Our tantric massage therapists are located in luxury, modern, and impeccably clean apartments situated in various prime locations throughout Central London. These locations include Mayfair, Knightsbridge, Bayswater, South Kensington, Chelsea, Park Lane, and Marylebone. These apartments provide a serene and comfortable setting for your tantric massage session.

Additionally, if you prefer the convenience and privacy of your hotel room or private accommodation, our therapists are more than happy to visit you directly. They are accustomed to providing outcall tantric massage services and can discreetly arrive at your desired location without any issues.

At Real Tantric, we prioritize your discretion and ensure that our therapists’ locations and visiting arrangements are designed to provide a safe, private, and confidential experience.

Do the photos of your tantric massage therapists accurately reflect their appearance? Can I expect them to be as beautiful as they appear in the pictures?

At Real Tantric, we understand the importance of transparency and providing an accurate representation of our tantric massage therapists. We take great care to ensure that the photos displayed on our website reflect the beauty and elegance of our therapists. However, it’s essential to recognize that individual perceptions of beauty can vary, and personal preferences play a role in attraction.

While we aim to showcase the genuine beauty of our therapists, we also believe that true beauty extends beyond physical appearance. Our therapists are selected not only for their visual appeal but also for their exceptional skills, professionalism, and dedication to your inner relaxation.

We represent genuine individuals who are committed to providing you with an genuine tantric massage experience. We prioritize your satisfaction and the quality of your session, emphasizing the expertise and care that our therapists bring to each appointment.

We encourage you to approach your tantric massage experience with an open mind and focus on the overall quality of the session, which encompasses not only physical beauty but also the skilful touch, nurturing presence, and ability to create a profoundly relaxing and rejuvenating experience.

At Real Tantric, we are dedicated to your inner well-being and providing you with an exceptional tantric massage journey.

What can I expect during a tantric massage session?

During a tantric massage session at Real Tantric, you can anticipate a transformative experience that combines the art of touch with the principles of energy flow and relaxation. Our skilled therapists will utilize tantric massage techniques to stimulate the energy within your body, bringing harmony to your senses and opening your mind to new sensations.

Throughout the session, you will experience deep relaxation while remaining sensually awakened. The body-to-body aspect of the massage involves the use of gentle and flowing movements, where the therapist’s body will gracefully glide and connect with yours. This intimate connection allows for a heightened sensory experience and a profound sense of connection and bliss.

The benefits of our tantric massage therapy extend beyond relaxation. It can help release tension, promote emotional well-being, and enhance overall body awareness. The techniques employed by our therapists aim to balance the energies within your body, leading to a state of deep harmony and rejuvenation.

It’s important to note that Real Tantric is strictly a massage company. We do not provide any sexual services, nor do we promote or offer escort services. Our focus is solely on the art of tantric massage as a means of promoting holistic well-being and personal growth.

Experience the profound effects of our tantric massage therapy and indulge in a journey of self-discovery, relaxation, and sensual awakening at Real Tantric in London.

Have a question that isn’t listed above? Get in touch with us.

Book Now for Unforgettable Moments

Contact Us Today for an Unforgettable Experience. Reach out to us via phone call, WhatsApp, or email using the provided details above. Our dedicated masseuses are available every day from 10 am until 2 am the following day, ensuring convenience and flexibility for your schedule. Don’t hesitate to get in touch and embark on a journey of pure bliss.