

Indulge in the captivating presence of Maya, our enchanting tantric massage therapist hailing from the vibrant shores of Brazil. With her youthful allure and mesmerizing charm, Maya will take you on an extraordinary journey of pleasure and self-discovery right in the heart of Marylebone.

Meet Maya

As you step into Maya’s world, prepare to be enchanted by her innate sensuality and profound understanding of tantric massage. With her skilled hands and intuitive touch, she will awaken every inch of your being, guiding you towards heightened states of ecstasy and relaxation.

Maya’s beauty is as radiant as the Brazilian sun, with luscious brunette locks that cascade down her slender frame. Her captivating eyes reflect a depth of wisdom and passion, inviting you to surrender to the transformative power of her touch.

Trained in the art of tantric massage, Maya combines ancient techniques with modern sensuality, creating an exquisite fusion that will leave you breathless. She possesses an innate ability to channel and manipulate energy, allowing you to experience profound physical and emotional release.

Whether you seek the rejuvenating benefits of a classic tantric massage or desire the intense intimacy of a Nuru massage, Maya will tailor each session to fulfill your deepest desires and awaken your senses.

Experience the magic of Maya’s presence and embark on a journey of sensuality and self-discovery. Allow her to guide you to new heights of pleasure, liberation, and bliss at Real Tantric. Book your unforgettable session with Maya today and unlock the secrets of tantric ecstasy.


Time Incall Outcall
1 Hour 300 350
90 Mins 450 500
2 Hour 600 700
+1 Hour 300 350


  1. Noe W.

    I booked a session with Maya during my stay in London. It turned out to be the highlight of my trip. Maya possesses a unique blend of strength and gentleness, and her passion for tantric massage shines through in every aspect of her practice. The session was an enlightening exploration of sensory experiences, skillfully guided by Maya’s expert hands. She provided a safe and respectful environment where I felt comfortable to relax and open up to the experience. The sense of harmony and vitality I felt afterwards was unparalleled. Maya is a remarkable therapist whose skills are a testament to the excellence of Real Tantric.

  2. Steve J.

    She is the best, I can’t wait to come back to London. thank you so much!

  3. Josh M.

    Absolutely amazing, thank you for recommendation.

  4. Abdullah

    My experience with tantric massage by Maya was absolutely extraordinary. Her ability to create a relaxing and comfortable environment helped me feel completely enveloped in a sense of inner peace. Her professional approach and attention to detail made the entire experience memorable. I highly recommend Maya’s services to those seeking an genuine tantric massage experience.

  5. Joe

    OMG, absolutely amazing

  6. Jasper

    My experience with Maya was truly unforgettable. Her professional skills and attention to detail made me feel completely relaxed and fulfilled.

  7. Jonshon

    Maya created a warm and comforting atmosphere, and her gentle approach made the whole process extremely enjoyable. I highly recommend her services to anyone seeking an authentic tantric massage experience.

  8. Mark S.

    THE BEST!!!

  9. Ethan

    Wow!!So, if you’re ready to experience a journey to pure euphoria, book a session with Maya.

  10. Race

    But what truly sets Maya apart is her mastery of tantric techniques. She’s like a sorceress, weaving spells of pleasure and enlightenment with every stroke.

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Book a massage with Maya

Decide which type of therapist you would like to book: Premium Tantric Therapist or Elite Tantric Therapist. Please note that the hourly rate for Elite Tantric Therapists is £50 higher.

Premium Masseuse

– 1-2 years of experience
– Training in our Tantric Academy in Mayfair
– Advanced Tantric Massage techniques

Elite Masseuse + £50

– Over 3 years of experience
– Advanced Training into our Tantric Academy in Mayfair
– Re-Energized Breathing Techniques – Experience Mindfulness
– Complimentary Head Massage

Gold Masseuse +£100

– Over 5 years of experience
– Extensive Training into our Tantric Academy in Mayfair
– Deeper Soul Connection Ritual
– Enlivened Breathing Techniques
– Gracefully Orgasmic Hugs
– Rewire Your Body Senses
– Oriental Head Massage
– Complimentary Assisted Shower
– 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Choose between two options: Incall Tantric Massage or Outcall Tantric Massage. Incall sessions occur at the therapist’s location, while Outcall sessions are held at the location of your choice. Please note that Outcall sessions have an additional charge of £50 per hour.

Incall Policy

You will visit the therapist in a sparkling clean, serene ambience at their private location

in Central London.

– Kindly be on time for your appointment.
– Shower upon arrival is required – perfect hygiene makes a perfect massage.
– Delays longer than 15 minutes will incur a penalty charge of £100.
– Failure to do so, your booking will be cancelled automatically,

*risking the possibility of ever making future bookings for Tantric Massage in London.

Outcall Policy

The therapist selected will visit you in the comfort of your hotel room or private residence in Central London.

– Kindly get ready for your appointment – perfect hygiene makes a perfect massage.
– Please arrange the travel expenses – taxi fare is not included.
– Cancellations upon arrival will incur a £100 charge.
– Failure to do so, your number will be reported, *risking the possibility of ever making future bookings for Tantric Massage in London.

We kindly request that you take a moment to read our booking terms. These terms outline essential information regarding our policies, cancellation guidelines, and client responsibilities. By familiarizing yourself with these terms, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience. Click here to view them.

Once you have decided on the therapist and type of session and familiarised yourself with our booking terms, you are ready to make a booking. You can either call our dedicated booking line at +44 7947 705247 or conveniently book online. Our friendly team is available to assist you and answer any questions you may have.

Please note that the prices mentioned in this guide are subject to change and may vary based on specific factors. We recommend visiting our website or contacting us directly for the most up-to-date pricing information.

Book now

Safety and confidentiality when booking with Real Tantric

At Real Tantric, your safety and confidentiality are our utmost priorities. As a customer-oriented agency, we are committed to providing a secure and discreet environment for your tantric massage experience. We understand the importance of trust and strive to create a space where you can feel completely at ease.

Safety Measures
We take extensive measures to ensure your safety throughout the entire booking process and during your session. Our therapists are highly trained professionals who adhere to strict ethical guidelines and professional standards. They are skilled in creating a safe and nurturing atmosphere where you can fully relax and enjoy your tantric journey.

Confidentiality Assurance
We understand the sensitivity of the services we provide, and we value your privacy. When booking with Real Tantric, rest assured that your personal information and session details are handled with the utmost confidentiality. We maintain strict privacy policies and adhere to industry best practices to safeguard your information. Your trust is of utmost importance to us, and we are committed to maintaining your confidentiality at all times.

Customer-Oriented Approach
As a customer-oriented agency, we prioritise your well-being and satisfaction. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that you have a positive and fulfilling experience with Real Tantric. We encourage open communication and are always available to address any questions, concerns, or specific requests you may have. Your comfort and satisfaction are at the core of our service, and we strive to exceed your expectations.

We’re Here for You
If you have any additional questions or would like further clarification regarding our safety measures or confidentiality policies, please don’t hesitate to contact our friendly team. We are here to assist you and provide any information you may need to make an informed decision.

Trust Real Tantric to provide you with a safe and confidential tantric massage experience that will leave you feeling rejuvenated, relaxed, and satisfied.

Book Now for Unforgettable Moments

Contact Us Today for an Unforgettable Experience. Reach out to us via phone call, WhatsApp, or email using the provided details above. Our dedicated masseuses are available every day from 10 am until 2 am the following day, ensuring convenience and flexibility for your schedule. Don’t hesitate to get in touch and embark on a journey of pure bliss.

Make a booking

Whether you prefer the convenience of booking online or prefer a more personal touch, our dedicated team is ready to assist you. Feel free to reach out to us through our website or give us a call to speak with a member of our team.

Choose Real Tantric for an unforgettable tantric massage experience, tailored to your needs and delivered with genuine care.

Online Booking
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